How old is Gregg Russell? When is Gregg Russell's birthday? Where is Gregg Russell born? Where did Gregg Russell grow up from? What's Gregg Russell's age?
Gregg Russell Born: North Vancouver
How about Gregg Russell's instrument?
Gregg Russell Instrument: Vocals, guitar
Does Gregg Russell have any children? What are the names of Gregg Russell's children? What are the ages of Gregg Russell's children?
Gregg Russell Children: Mackenzie Russell
How many kids does Gregg Russell have?
His immediate family consist of, his wife, Lindy Russell, and his 3 children.
What happened to Gregg Russell tap dancer?
But the world is a little quieter these days, without the tap-tap-tap of his dancing shoes. Russell died unexpectedly Nov. 22 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where he lived with his wife, Tessa Zimomra Russell, and 5-year-old daughter, Lucy.