The “Dancing With the Quad Cities Stars” event Thursday in Eldridge will help raise money for many area charities.
The dance competition will kick off at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, at Eldridge Community Center, 400 S. 16th Ave., Eldridge, with a VIP Party at 6 p.m.
According to operations manager Kara Primmer, each participant is raising money for their charity of choice. There will be 12 local competitors and 12 charities present and represented. Thirty percent of each ticket sold goes to charity.
The show format is just like the TV show “Dancing With the Stars.” Each participant performs a routine previously performed on the show. Judging is 50% audience votes and 50% judge’s scores. The winner receives a mirror ball trophy. The event motto is “You don’t have to be a star to dance like one.”
The more people that a participant is able to invite equals more votes and more money raised for their charity. Each QC star is paired with an accomplished partner that they recruit from local talented dancers here in the Quad Cities.
The contestants, with their charity of choice, are:
Tickets for Thursday’s show only are $30, and $65 for VIP tickets, available HERE.
VIP tickets include: